Monday, December 8, 2008

Insomnia strikes again

I never have a problem sleeping. I can sleep sitting up in a chair, layed out on the floor with all kinds of things going on around me. Just ask my kids they laugh at me and my sleep habits. But lately I can not sleep. It is really annoying. I go to bed, toss and turn before finally falling a sleep and this morning I was up and at it at 3:45 a.m. How I am going to work on 5 hours of sleep is beyond me. I'm exhausted and it is only 6:00 a.m. I have been on this carb counting diet that the diabetics go on and since then I have way more energy and am not so sleepy. Maybe that has something to do with it. Or maybe I just have too much on my mind.

But on the plus side thanks to counting carbs I have finally budged off the plateau I have been on for 6 months. Yeh!!! Anyone that wants to try the carb diet it's easy. A carb serving is 15g of carbohydrates. You are allowed 2-4 servings at each meal and 1-2 as a snack between each meal. READ YOUR LABELS. Protein is about 3oz a serving, most vegetables (non-starch) are free (pots are 1/2c = 1 serving) and most fruits are 1 small piece=1 carb. Brilliant if you combine it with EXERCISE. Hint: watch serving sizes on labels so you aren't overdoing the carbs.

Monday, November 24, 2008

What is time anyway?

Well now I'm hooked up on face book. Wow. Cool. In 2 days I have found people I haven't heard from in over 20 years. I think I am addicted. HELP!! I can't wait to get home from work to check out my facebook and then I have spent hours on this. What is the cure. Anyone? I seriously can't spend this much time my house looks like a bomb has hit it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

You're kidding me, right.

I'm having a ridiculous amount of fun with this blog thing and spending way to much time doing it.

Jeff was in Vegas this week and just got home. He was telling me about an incident that happened in one of his meetings while he was there. I'm assuming it was an air force meeting since that is who he works for and he said there were a whole bunch of air force guys in the meeting. The room was pretty full and it got to the point where all the chairs were full. A lady in a skirt walks in and can't find anywhere to sit. (Bear in mind she was one of 2 or 3 women in this entire full room). Finding no where to sit she promptly sat on the floor. Jeff was on the opposite side of the room and could see what was happening and was amazed that no one around her offered to give her their chair. He got up and took his chair over to her and asked her to take it. She was hesitant and asked him if he was sure. He replied that she should not have to sit on the floor especially in a skirt and that his mom would kick his butt if he didn't give her the chair. Now here's the kicker. One of Jeff's friends heard some guys mumbling in the background (Please excuse the phrase) "Look at that guy, he's trying to get laid tonight." Jeff was fuming.

It's pretty sad when you can't do something nice for someone without uneducated fools thinking there is an ulterior motive. Way to go Jeff. It's nice to know there are some REAL men out there.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sarah's Soap - Too old to have fun?

My daughter, the blogger expert, told me not to make my blog one of those soppy "I'm so blessed...happy...beautiful" blogs. (Apparently there is a blog dedicated to mocking those blogs) I hope she doesn't read my profile. So, my blog is going to be a mix of family info and me on a soap box. I figure it is my blog I can write my opinions. As a warning I am going to give the soapbox blogs a warning. These will include Sarah's soap in the title. You have been warned.

Where is it written by "they", as in "they say..." that there is an age limit on Halloween? In my neighborhood we had a Halloween activity that limited trick or treaters to 11 years and younger. Noticeably absent were the youth. Shouldn't we be encouraging these young people to be having wholesome healthy fun. My 12 year old was somewhat upset when a neighbor refused to give him candy because he was too old. I say (and remember this is my blog I can say what I want) if these kids want to have some healthy fun and dress up for an evening to get a little candy, what's wrong with that. We have had some great family memories with Halloween. Lighten up people. It's just a little piece of candy!!

My Poor Boss

I don't know why it is that I have the uncanny ability of putting my foot in my mouth, particularly with people of authority. Yesterday my boss quietly told me while we were sitting over a patient that I am the only person (in his 57 years) that has ever made him feel small. Small as in vertically challenged, not insignificant. Did I feel bad. Yes. The girls and I (other assistants in office) had been discussing height. I towered above everyone growing up and was explaining how I used to feel like I had to wear flats on a date (Flats were definitely NOT in at the time) because I hated to be taller than the boy I was with. It was just plain awkward. I turned to the Dr. and gently patting his hand said "no offense meant". Which I really did mean. I don't hate shorter men it's just awkward for taller women. The other time I had insulted his height was when he took the office to Lake Powell in May. A few of us were on a hike that meant scaling waterfall with ropes to carry on. So not many people ever did this hike. We were literally in the middle of no-where when we came across signs of Mountain Lion. In an attempt to scare me (being a novice to all this) the Dr. explained that there were mountain lions about. I immediately turned to him and said. Oh I'm not worried I hear they only like little men. And I expect this man to keep giving me a paycheck.

Another incident of my lack of thinking happened a few years ago as we were doing a church service project. We had been assigned to cut back willows. My Stake President came up to me pretending to chop at my legs saying "I hear we have to chop down anything tall and skinny" (back in the days when I was skinny) I turned to him and said....."Well I guess that counts you out then." Even more at stake here. Can you say bye bye celestial kingdom!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This picture of Jake was taken in Paris last year. These smart cars were everywhere.

Jake is kind of like a mini Jeff. A big tease, funny, but can be really annoying.:-) He likes to play video games, football with the neighborhood kids, and loves to hang with his cousin Nick. Pretty funny when those two get together.

He is in 7th grade right now and is doing great despite the fact that he doesn't like school. Math is his favorite subject and has been known as the "human calculator"


Brittney ( aka BT Cruiser, birdie, bert, and by her siblings as "The Perfect Child")She is the child that everyone wishes they had. For the most part she is very positive (She does have her bad moments, and when she does look out. Her nick name has been known to be TAZ or RED, as in Red is on one. Her hair is a little red.) She is a willing worker and works hard at whatever she does. She loves to tease her Grandad in England. When they get going there's no stopping them. She enjoys playing the piano, watching moves with her mom and hanging out with her friends.
She is in 11th grade and is busy with school and her job at Hancock Fabric.
The picture was taken in a little village in Normandy, France.